Tuesday, 2 September 2014

September 2, 2014: Carn the Pies

Great news Pie Fans - The Black and White will feature in Finals Football. Yes, it's not quite the finals appearance we'd hoped for. There will be no Swan, Pendlebury, Beams etc. But the Black & White will be there, and isn't that what really matters.

Port Adelaide will be wearing the famous Magpies jumper following another piece of Mark Evans problem-solving. After Evans' nonsensical edict was issued to Port Adelaide to wear their away strip for a home final against Richmond, Port Adelaide responded first with confusion - given their jumper looks nothing likes Richmond anyway - before submitting their Port Magpies jumper, which was accepted despite arguably being more confusing than the normal home jumper.

Not that we care about the mechanics, we're just happy to see the Magpies in September.

In the news...
Alex Silvagni will replace the injured Michael Johnson for Fremantle's qualifying final. "It's not the ideal scenario for us, but it's not something we're dwelling on" grumbled coach Ross Lyon.

Paul Roos is furious at two of his players who dressed as Rolf Harris and a young girl for Mad Monday celebrations. Several newspaper editors were pleased with the costumes which saved them from doing any real journalism that day.

And Carlton capped off its Mad Monday by delisting a bunch of players, the names are here.

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