Friday, 13 June 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014: A SADA day I can't remember...

Note: The Smother has the bye next week, we're taking a holiday in order to hopefully address the deficiencies in both quality and quantity of jokes. We'll be back on Monday June 23.

Well, it's happened. The event that every professional journalist has been predicting for 18 months has finally taken place. It's vindication, really, against all the cynics - of which we are definitely one - who might have accused hacks of simply making sh*t up for the last two years. Yes, it took a while, but it's here; Essendon players have finally been handed show-cause letters. Infraction notices? Well, maybe, it really comes down to a whole bunch of things... court cases and lawyers and panels. Don't worry, Damien Barrett will keep you informed.

Perhaps a serious case of World Cup Fever has got me on to mad conspiracy theories, but this whole shenanigan has seemed perfectly suited to media coverage. Constant leaks, explosive cameo characters, long and drawn out periods punctuated by breaking news; they couldn't have it any better without inserting Ricky Nixon in there somewhere.

So perhaps that's why we aren't seeing many stories about what is overtly obvious to any neutral observer: ASADA is shambolic organisation, limping from one mess to the next and hurting a lot of people in the progress. The process is embarrassing for the league, the Government and any notion of professional support.

If this Essendon thing ever ends, perhaps someone should look into that.

In the news...
ASADA news is in every paper everywhere so who cares.

Treacherous midfielder Dale Thomas has revealed he questioned his future while recovering from an ankle injury, despite it clearly not bothering Carlton - who signed him anyway.

Teams are here. We're out for a week! Thanks to both of our loyal readers, we'll be back after the bye.

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