Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Wednesday, May, 28, 2014: Drinking too much and fighting strangers...

Collingwood has always been a leader, both on and off the field. With that in mind, it was fitting that coach Nathan Buckley should stand up in support of a new AFL Players Association report that emphasised the on-field benefits for clubs who allow their players to live balanced lives.

Buckley praised the environment at Collingwood where players "are actually valued for the person that they are, as much as they are for the talent that they bring". "We want people to walk out of our football club better than they walked it" he said.

Buckley also spoke of the need for players to engage in activities which - in the words of - gave them a mental break from the game. Whether those activities should involve drinking too much and fighting strangers is a matter for further discussion, owing to the performances of Marley Williams since he escaped a custodial sentence. Still, Buckley praises the ability to escape the game.

"If you can't switch off, then you can never really switch on".

In the news...
Carlton CEO and traitor Greg Swann has resigned, effective June 23. "I'm confident I'm leaving the club in a better place than when I started" he said.

Gold Coast coach Guy McKenna has contacted the AFL to request more protection for favourite Sun Gary Ablett. "I don't want to sand here bleating about Gary" he bleated about Gary, "but he just wants a fair and even chance to attack the contest. When he gets angry, clearly that hasn't happened."

Hawthorn has re-signed Brad Hill until the 2017. "I love playing footy at the club" he repeated from the 'what to say when you've re-signed' handbook prepared by the AFL.

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